
How to lose at PLO (in one easy lesson)

only play premium hands, raise when you do get them, flop big draws where you are the favorite, and miss ALL OF THEM.

Just like that I am OUT of the AIPS tournament today at the mega-bottom of the field. I got my money in ahead 4 times and lost 3 of them and had to slow WAY down on the 4th since the turn and the river put a flush and a boat possilble out there against my lame trips. Turns out he had lame lower trips.

All 3 others, I simple got caught from behind (no offense to the porno movie of the same name, which it turns out is pretty good. The title song is so 80's you almost want to scream.)

I just dont want to fall into the trap of being AFRAID to raise with good hands because you are on a losing variance. I just wont fall into that trap!

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