
The Friday Night Self Fulfilling Prophecy Extravaganza

1. Play O8B at .10/.25
2. Wait for some idiot to try and take down a big pot with second nut high and second nut low.
3. Sccop said idiot, collect $15
4. Spend rest of Friday night playing in the PS $1 lotto tournaments.


That's right, I did not cash in any of them? Why? Well, I have some theories, but they mostly revolve around the moon, astrological signs, the dynamic of the air in my room, and weather patterns. But a more likely scenario is that I am playing more aggressively early, and willing to put my tournament on the line sooner. In the O8B tournament, I simply played TOO tight, and could not keep up with the field, despite make few mistakes. Easy to play well when you only have 10 or so hands you will play,eh?

Tonight my daughter is hoster her birthday sleepover party. Combine this with an extreme desire to watch NFL playoffs and my columbo one minute mystery recording for this week is in jeopardy. I have written 4 more of them, but I got to go to work ya know.

Speaking of work, I get to go to Utah again for 3 days for the big all hands sales meeting. I will be there mostly to "kiss babies", as my department is rolling out, not 1, not 2, but THREE major initiatives. No pressure.

Mrs. Columbo is starting to question how you can be a winning player after she once again has MP beat her TP by catching runner, runner straight. I told her to join the club. "One of Us. One of Us. One of Us". repeat in unison.

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