
how to use texas calculatem effectively

AbbreviationsPO = Pot Odds - you'll need to calculate these yourself.OTW = Odds To Win - this is the estimated provided by Texas Calculatem.MBO = Maximum Bet Odds. This figure is equal to the number of opponents active in the current hand.
Pre-FlopIf Texas Calculatem tells you to fold then you should generally fold pre-flop.However, if you are in the small blind position and the pot odds are greater than your OTW (Odds to Win) then you should consider calling. This is because the small blind does not have to pay as much to call.If Texas Calculatem's advice is to call unraised then you should- raise if no one has raised.- call if someone has raised.If Texas Calculatem gives any other advice then the settings are tight enough for you to keep on re-raising pre-flop.
Post-FlopFor post-flop play, I prefer to use a combination of Texas Calculatem's OTW estimate and the Pot Odds. This strategy has given me superior results as it is less vulnerable to aggression and bluff raises.
Concise StrategyTo decide what to do, work your way down the list below until a condition is met.If MBO / 4 >= OTW then raise (or bet if it's been checked to you).If PO / 2 >= OTW then bet (or call if it's been bet or raised to you)If PO >= OTW then check (or call if it's been bet or raised to you)If none of the above conditions are met then fold.
ExplanationThe strategy raises if the odds are significantly in favour of the player, but only calls if the bet is still profitable. Assuming that Texas Calculatem's estimates are accurate, this is simply a straight forward statistical arbitrage strategy, applied to the game of Poker.

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