So, although I usually try to keep on task here with strictly science articles, I could not pass up this exclusive opportunity to review a new anime cartoon. When I say exclusive, I mean that I was given the opportunity to view clips from the show that are not available to the general public. If that doesn't make an anime fan like me feel special, then I don't know what will.
As you can see from this sample clip, the animation is pretty cool (and this picture is a public picture, so you're not all cool like me, I got the exclusive VIDEO). The name of the cartoon is going to be Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, try saying that 5 times fast. I wonder how much debating the creators did about getting the exact right number of "bo"s and the placement of the hyphens. If you want to see some more pictures and get information (but still not see my EXCLUSIVE video) you can check out the Official Website for Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo by clicking that link.
This show is going to be airing on Cartoon Network, which has quickly become the official American home to check out anime. Let me do a little talking about the clip I was able to see. Let me start by saying I watch anime for the animation. The plot and what not is of little consequence to me. I think it has to do with the fact that I am such a poor artist, but wish I could be amazing like the people that make these. The animation in this show looks incredible, definitely on pace with some of my other favorites. The main difference that I might add (if there was a main difference at all) is that the colors in this cartoon seem more vibrant and bright. I think that's awesome and it kinda sets itself apart a little bit. I can't wait until this comes out on TV... maybe I'll have TiVo by then and I can capture them all and give them a more detailed review here on my blog!
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