If you read the reports online, you might want to sway away from the Online Casinos. However, if you are willing to give a secure site the benefit of the doubt you might find enough money in your pocket to buy that special gift for your mate, friend or family member. Don’t get me wrong, there are no guarantees in anything you do in life, but if you want to win, you must play the games.
The many online casinos offer various games to choose from and all you have to do is downloading the software and follow a couple of easy steps to play the games. Good Golly Miss Molly what are they going to come up with next? At the many online casinos, players now can select the Millennium Ride games and enjoy a evening of fun. The advantage of Millennium Ride is the challenges are minimal since you are the only player wagering against your self.
In the millennium game, you are playing to win a hand better than a pair of 10s. During the game, you are allowed to withdraw the bet amount, limited to a wager you have chosen. You can choose to win the pot, or else lessen your risks by wagering a smaller amount. The Place or Remove bets you use the mouse’s left button or the right button on the mouse to select your chips for betting. The Re-Bet replaces the prior bet, only at the same value and the player can use the (F1) key to place his bet. After you have wagered, you can hit the (F2) key on your board to start the game.
Next, you will elect to leave the table or else remain in the game. If you elect to leave, then you will hit the ($) SIGN and cash out of the game. The (P) symbol represents the payout table and by clicking this icon, you will cash out of the game. If you win the game then the money is added to your online account. Now, we move onto the Ride and Pull game where the player hit’s the (F5) key to ride the cards, or else hit’s the (F6) key to pull the cards back. If you hit the F5 key to ride, then the game continues, but if you hit the F6 key then the game ends.
Once the players being the game they are expected to equivalent the bet in a circular motion, and then the dealer hands the players three cards each. The cards are known as “community cards” and the cards are facing downward on the table.
During the first hand, when the player receives his first three face down cards, is the best time to choose to “Ride” or “Pull back” any bets wagered. You don’t have to take back all your bets, but if you hand is a potential loss, then taking back at least ‘one’ bet might be in your best interest. At the start of the second hand, the dealer will flip over one card known as the “community card” and the players can determine from this card showing, if the want to “ride” or “pull back” their bet.
Finally, during the last hand when the dealer reveals his “second community card” and if you have “10s’ or higher in your hand, then you win the game.
Furthermore, if you have a high-ranking hand, you will win up to “five times” you bet. For example, if you have a Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, and Eight, then you when the game and will receive your money in the casinos account you setup at the onset of the game.
Top Ranking Hands in Order
To provide you an overview of the top ranking hands, I will categorize each hand below:
• Straight Royal Flush
• Straight Flush
• Full House
• Four of a Kind
• Flush
• Three of a Kind
• Two Pairs
• Pair
• High Card Hand
The high card hand is two players with a Straight, and one has a higher-ranking card, thus this player is the winner of the round.
Straight Flush: King-Queen-Jack-Ten-Nine--Winner
Straight Flush: Queen-Jack-Ten-Nine-Eight
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