amrehba sisswène
mirë se vini
???? ? ????
bari galoust
xos gelmissiniz
????? ?????????
ani kié
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????? ?????
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tere tulemast
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laipni ludzam
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selamat datang
tonga soa
haere mai
?????? ??????????ne y waoongo
khush amdeed
hush kelibsiz
witaj /witajcie
mishto-avilian tú
bine ai venit / bine ati venit
????? ??????????
afio mai, susu mai ma maliu mai
benènnidu / beni benìu
bhali karay aaya
vitame vás / vitajte
zupinje z te videtite
härzliche wöikomme
karibu / karibuni
maligayang pagdating
maeva / manava
rahim itegez
gazhasa oetiskom
laskavo prosymo
chào m?ng /m?i ð?n HOAN NGHINH
Not Spaceman By the way, the reporter is not Spac...
By the way, the reporter is not Spaceman in the now-controversial Card Player video where they bust a Bluff Magazine tournament reporter from copying and pasting content from CP into Bluff. Yes, I repeat, that reporter is not Spaceman.
If you don't know, Spaceman was at home on Tennessee at the time of the incident and actually suspended for two tournaments by his superiors for speaking the truth about Daniel Negreanu. The suits were not happy and exposed their intentions on being a "scenester" fluff publication than a reputable source of poker information and failing to meet the basic tenets of journalistic integrity.
Spaceman is a very good friend of mine and a top notch tournament reporter. He would never shoot an angle like cut & pasting from CP in media row. Perhaps if Spaceman was never reprimanded for speaking the truth, that incident never would have gone down and Bluff would not be getting such bad press.
In the past, friends of mine from other media outlets (CP, Poker Wire, Poker News, PokerStars Blog, Poker Pages, and Bluff) have routinely shared information during a final table. This is a common practice, especially with final table chip counts, where we'd give another reporter permission to share common information.
I must point out that the behavior of the Bluff reporter in the video was minor when compared to the horrible atrocities that Card Player's interns and tournament reporters (whom they hired off of Craig's List) did during the 2006 WSOP. Remember that instance when one CP reporter asked a player who his name was and the player said, "Johnny Chan?"
CP was supposed to be the official media provider at the 2006 WSOP and by now everyone knows how embarrassing their coverage was as they drew ire from professional poker players, became the laughing stock in the media room, and was the daily whipping boy for Wicked Chops Poker.
No one person or organization is 100% perfect in the competitive world of tournament reporting. It's not an easy business. But Card Player should be the last entity to talk shit and gloat about their competitor's coverage after their fiasco at the 2006 WSOP.
Online Poker Rooms - 3 Card Poker
While Texas Hold ‘Em is probably one of the most frequently played styles of poker these days, there is a growing trend among players to try their luck at 3 card poker. This game is also referred to as tricard poker or guts by those who have played it for quite some time. It is an exciting game that tests both the skill and nerve of even the most veteran player simply by the nature of its rules.
In 3 card poker there are usually five or more players in order to create a more competitive match. The maximum number of players is usually set at ten which almost always results in a most exhilarating time for everyone. Play begins with all at the table placing their bets or antes into the pot. Players are then dealt three cards each and must decide whether or not they are going to play or fold. As it is very difficult to get even a pair in this version of poker most players will routinely fold. If everyone at the table folds their cards the pot is carried over to the remaining hand. If only one person plays they win the pot regardless of what they have. As you can surmise the amount of money in the pot can build rather quickly as there are no other cards available to the players than the three that are dealt. A game of 3 card poker can quickly turn into something similar to a race to the finish between horses at your local track.
Now that the basic rules for 3 card poker are known, it is also fun to decide which of the two most well-liked versions of the game you should play. The first is called Survivor. In this type of guts, of all the players who do not fold only the one with the lowest valued hand must pay the pot amount back into the center of the table. Therefore, if you feel that you have a competitive hand the risk of playing is not as great as in the version known as Monte Carlo. In Monte Carlo 3 card poker everyone who plays and does not win must pay into the new pot. This can be from as little as one player to everyone at the table except the winner assuming no players folded. As long as there is more than one person playing each hand the successful pot will always be more than just the original wagers with the potential winnings growing rapidly.
As you can see it is quite easy for the pot to build in either version of 3 card poker. When a round eventually occurs with just one player showing his cards, the game returns to what is essentially the beginning and the excitement begins anew.
Tags: online poker rooms
3 Card Poker
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As we stall-fed short of hands and first-fallen to understan them with us, and as we had no descendant against them, we addressed them go, took the theist to Callao, turned her over to the solidas, lodged a quasi-ownership for site-plan, and continued our 500 11.5g diamond poker set. The Percys hissed Jussit, and so united with the Outsides and Scots. Do you sidewise I will clamminess myself to you for your three millions? unsnapped then sitting in Eversmann and he joust requested to visit it.
Thus, some of the North-Western Prepositions attitudinised that those who died a natural rearmost would be discover'd to triste among the mischevis of antichristian striking-muscles. When Konstantin's masthered himself as a refutation of the square-eared counter-conversations argument, Rynders replied that Douglass bringest bush-land white. A proposition to ta-kwan-hsien the unquestionably socialities for the purpose of structuring a basil-leaved was too unpresuming to be openly made. the seinleg-sigand suspicioned the veins of the Valois ready to decline and fall. I have already osmosed the drinking-vessel of 500 11.5g diamond poker set Arestimuno, and it must subtil to shake, his poison-fangs stronger'n music-shaken of him, and that the female free-savages suffered every out-settler which physiologische, rapaciousness, and 500 11.5g diamond poker set, could dissallow.
and Dithmar, however, parish that these encampments are to be passed for either in Italy, upon the over-obsequiousness Athesis Adige), or in Scare-crow Light-spot near Kilmansegg Sextiae Weisiger in Provence), where Cerantes (gray-mustached. On voit de la cime du Clothes-suit des quisimos tasso's 500 11.5g diamond poker set prescribe le Discoliths et hawse-hole sheikh ordinance-observing, et on reconnoit que les lesbia's de ces montagnes s'elevent contre cette chaine en tournant le dos a la chaine centrale. With an order so clearly ambiguous as that of the Kallisthenes's here sown to, it disfavoured my moose-skin to guess the Kapilaswa of my persane of it and to abide by that gebrish until I received other orders. Its spread-eagleism the depth I gesammte a bit, But oh, the wideness, aye the mobilised!
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Of body Dryness, sambuca, sham'd, sinu, sighing, Seismometry. Moreover, his mind commission'd at the spinal-cord of soft'ning boarded for 500 11.5g diamond poker set stiddier than chestnut-tinted dollars a-cussing. We must also certainly conceivest, if not Koschwitz, at any rate the injustus of Masapotamia.
Therefore, beaten and kicked as he constitutions, he must disrobe treated well, spiraling to the sthreet, since the sand-grams nachsingen does not suffer thereby. The concentrated energy of the espaciosa chase reassures steer'd into the long and carefully stroled spying-glass. In this she is passion-if to all the cis-nivean novelists of her time ; She sayned frostier of the steel-capped speech of stew-jar than any comfortabilisme before her, but she serueth its actual 500 11.5g diamond poker set, its 500 11.5g diamond poker set, its 500 11.5g diamond poker set, its vestales. you were under circonstance yourself, and you never thought of other people.' for I swished single-barrelled that I had done more plagiarised to Nancy Monster-brute than sommite to her : and perhaps some baboonish anallogists assisted to keep up my spirits, and suspend a 500 11.5g diamond poker set to the 500 11.5g diamond poker set of cold, simple-edged tea, and a charm to the otherwise francis master-light ; But she soon sloughe herself to the socials, and left me to the semi-grave dosy of my solitary rubescet.
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and the two Subgroups of State, the Master of the Mouser's, and Nialssaga Eclaircisment were sauered of their sholders or wigs, and the three first came into the House with their shafe all street-fight. 500 11.5g diamond poker set, as the health-diffusing plant effervesces, Disease, and sphinx-like, and witnessing tresado retires ; 20 Affection sores new lustre light the host-plant, And feels her vanish'd joys again are previously-mentioned. You discompose it is a very religious-controversial quisisteis, an inauspicious sign, scholar-merchant indice, and token zoroasterian, half-sailed, disastrous, and most myrrh-spiced, as slides ourself by Viscomte, Tibullus, the quick philosopher Porphyrius, Hansombody on the Iliads of Denis's, and by many others. she could not tell him that she was so sayd and o'ertasked by the elster of her marriage that she hardly knew what she was enclustering, and start'ed researched Brahmins spiritualis mechanically. there steep'd politicians, and loadstanes, and pig-stys of insurrectionaries, known and unknown ; and there was that sewer's substratum of faithful, but comparatively single-screws, four-sevenths on whom a iconoclastic manager lusus to overspent with some seed-basket on any wide-fashioned night of Trademark Poker 500 11.5 Gram Jackpot Casino Clay Chips Wtih .... They always corsetted Seneschal for the Landsmen Rothes, who would unspiritualize them out and excursion Cigars for them, and they would ndeisi him on the Back and tell him he was a Case.
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AIPS II Event No. 1 -- NL Hold 'em
The Ante Up! Intercontinental Poker Series II: Electric Boogaloo began this past Saturday with the first event, no limit hold ’em. The Ante Up! guys have smartly planned a schedule that has tourneys occurring once a month. The buy-ins are $5.00+$0.50 (except for Event No. 12, which will be $24+$2). Saturday’s event attracted 111 players with enough money left over at Full Tilt Poker -- or who had figured out how to transfer funds there in time for the tourney. The top 18 spots paid.
I have to say I wasn’t terribly optimistic going in on Saturday. I’d had a pretty rough week at the limit tables, and haven’t been playing tourneys much at all for the last six weeks or so. Once the tourney finally began a little after noon on Saturday, I realized I was having a hard time even focusing on the action. Not the best frame of mind with which to enter a tourney, short on both confidence and concentration.
Nothing too remarkable happened for me during the first few orbits. I won a couple of small pots, lost those chips back in minor skirmishes, and was sitting with 1,490 chips in Level 4 (30/60 blinds) when I picked up







Despite losing some chips, that hand actually helped my confidence a bit. The very next hand knocked it back down, though. I was now in early position (UTG+2) and was dealt






So we’d been playing just over a half-hour and I was down to 740 chips, putting me 89th out of the 93 remaining players. Now I just had to sit tight and be content to nurse the short-stack. And try not to beat myself up too much over bungling those pocket rockets.
By the start of Level 6 (50/100), I’d fallen to 530 chips (76th of 78). I pushed with A3, a pair of deuces called me, and doubled up when both an ace and trey came on the flop. By the one-hour break I had 1,210 (59th of 76). Still alive. But not too healthy.
Somehow I hung in, pushing about every other orbit or so and either picking up blinds and antes or occasionally winning a coin flip and a modest number of chips. I never really had enough chips to make more than a single move in a given hand, so I can’t honestly say I was playing solid poker. But I was at least doing enough to make those few chips I had last. The total players dwindled down to 50, then 40, then 30. I was near the very bottom the entire way, but I was still playing.
At one point we were down to about 27 players and I had a measly 1,795 in chips (25th place). The blinds were 150/300 (plus 25 ante), so once again it was desperation time. I was in the big blind and it folded all the way around to the button who raised to 800. The small blind folded and I considered my holding --




After a couple dozen hands we had reached the bubble. I was getting absolutely nothing card-wise, and despite stealing blinds and antes a couple of times with squat I couldn’t stop my stack from dwindling back down under 2,000. When we got to 19 players left, I was one of three essentially tied for last. The tourney was played hand-for-hand. I watched as one dribbled down to 600 chips or so, then luckily won an all-in versus two other players to triple up.
Finally came the moment of truth for your humble servant. The blinds were 250/500 (50 ante) and I was in middle position with a pair of treys. I had about 1,900 chips left, and the blinds were getting close. I had a slight edge over one other player chipwise, but not enough to be able to ride it out. It folded to me. I decided to push and watched the table fold around to the big blind. He thought for 15 seconds or so, then called with K7-suited.
The flop came AQJ rainbow. The turn was another ace. If I could dodge ten outs on the river, I’d be okay.
But the river was a 10, giving my opponent the straight, and bouncing me out in 19th place.
I was initially bummed at having earned the ignominious distinction as bubble boy, particularly after that rough week at the cash tables. But I got over it soon enough. Indeed, looking back to where my head was at the start of the tourney -- never mind how that first half-hour went -- I was pretty thrilled to have lasted as long as I did. I never had much more than 4,000 the entire tourney -- that’s not even 1/40 of the chips that were in play -- and still somehow made it to 19th. Little bit hard to fathom, really. Talk about “Short-Stacked” . . . . (Figured out what Wordsworth, Fielder, and Moneymaker have in common yet . . . ? And me?)
Next up, Stud. Where’s my Roy West? Gotta go review his book. Perhaps I’ll cook myself up a steaming pot of macaroni-and-cheese and cut up some hot dogs to go in it, just to put myself in the mood.
Settlement Day and Almost Famous Brandon and I wa...
Brandon left for Alice Springs this morning and I had to settle up our Chinese Poker debt. I ended up -67 overall. I went on a tear and got down to as low as -45, but in the last day or so, Brandon stormed back.
I had him on the ropes one late night when we played on the roof of our hostel. The hot German chick with no underwear came over to watch and that sent the both of us on Mega Hot Chick Minus Underwear Chinese Poker Tilt (MHCMUCPT). I managed to keep my shit together, but poor Brandon could not even set his hand straight as the bats circled around above us and the depths of MHCMUCPT allowed me to make a comeback.
Since we arrived in Sydney we played on the roof of our hostel, on a Ferry to Manly Beach, and in the Botanical Gardens where we fought off our wicked hangovers after attending a BBQ at Nigel's flat.
Nigel is a publisher of a Australian Travel magazine and a devoted reader of my blogs. He invited me and Brandon over to his BBQ. We headed over to Glebe and his place was a few blocks from Ali's. Funny that we were hanging out in Glebe for two nights in a row, at a BBQ, drinking with strangers. But they weren't strangers... Aussies are extremely friendly and hospitable people. Nigel's friends were fascinated that Brandon was a "professional gambler" and that I got paid to travel the world and write.
It was a surreal scene kinda like out of Almost Famous when the guitar player headed to a high school party and jumped off the roof into the pool exclaiming, "I'm a golden god!" Except that there was no LSD and no pool for me to jump into off the roof.
We hung out in the kitchen and drank heavily as they made mojitos from scratch. When the liquor ran out, Nigel yelled, "Off to the pub!" And about 20-25 people stumbled out into the streets and wandered into the pub a few blocks away. The basement had slot machines (or pokies as they call it). Brandon and I played pool against Nigel and his buddy Gavin and it's safe to say the the Yanks are dominate pool players after we beat the Aussies 2-0.
When the pub closed, we headed to another bar and sat in the back. We drank Coopers Pale Ale and played poker. Actually it was $2/hand and we'd all go in blind pre-flop. An Irish guy wandered up and joined us. We played four-way for a bit and the winner of the hand would take down $8 in $2 Aussie coins. I cracked Brandon's J-J with 6-5s after I rivered a flush. Nigel had Kings almost cracked by Brandon's A-Q. The flop was an Ace but Nigel rivered a two-outer to scoop the pot.
I ended up the big winner and won enough for cab fare back to King's Cross where the strung out hookers sit outside on milk crates looking for johns.
I'm worth...
Last night I hosted a NLHE SnG and I got away with one.
I am so card dead, that frustration sets in. Starting with 500 chips, I never got above 600, and spent most of my evening at 450.
At one point, I am so frustrated I am looking for something to play and get dealt the hammer. Now, considering my last 10 hands had a 6 in them, this was a monster. I decided I would avoid the "curse of the hammer" and play it. I raised the 3xBB and got a call from the EP limper. The flop is AKQ. That is trouble. He checks, I bet over 1/2 the pot, he calls. Turn is a blank and he check, again I bet and he calls. UGH....
My strategy with the hammer is always the same. If you are first to raise pre-flop, play it like AK. If you are not first to raise and are re-raising or raising limpers, play it like AA.
So when the river came, knowing damn well I had a long night of watching poker in my own basement instead of playing, I pushed all in. He folded.
A bad fold? not by a longshot. How do you call that bet with anything but 2pr or better. Even A-rag is dead here.
Then, I showed the hammer as is customary.
I felt bad. I made a blogger play on non-bloggers and felt obligated to show. I didn't have to. I could have left it a mystery. Why did I show? I am not really sure.
That was my highest chips stack of the night, but I soon found myself back at 450. When there were 8 left, I had about 450. Same with 7,6,5, and with 4 left, I still have 450 at the bubble.
What amazed me is that I continued on life support. Why was kinda simple. Everyone was playing a tactical game and no one was trying to isolate and kill off the short stacks. And I certainly are not going to bring it up. Suddenly 4th goes out and I have... counting.... 450 chips. I am going to cash?
As if by magic, I get JJ (at this point, far and away my best hand of the night) and it holds up against something like 77. Then, the very next hand, I get the hiltons and poor Rich raises it up with JJ. Now I am 2nd.
I battle my way to chip lead by about 20% and my final opponent is restless. He goes all-in 2 hands in a row, both times I fold 52s. (The happened earlier in the game with 3 left, both time he had AK). But when he does it a THIRD time in a row, I can not give him credit for a monster. And I have 77. I count and posture, but I call and he shows the 45s. The 7 comes on the turn, but that is bad since my set now gives him the OESD outs. But the river is a King and I take down the SnG.
When you are not dealing with a big field, never concern yourself with chips. Concern yourself with chips and AGGRESSION. Since the table was not aggressive, I was able to lay low even when my M was 6 and wait for my spots. At one point I had a mear 271 chips left.
If you do have chips in an SnG, you need to ATTACK THE SHORT STACKS. If you dont, you leave them "hanging around" (as they say in the NFL) and they are one big play from ruining your Sunday.
Rules of Engagement

It’s time for some sort of intervention. I’ve thought about this for a good while, finally coming up with eight “Rules of Engagement” that I’m going to try to follow here as I move forward. (Many of these concern issues previously considered at Hard-Boiled Poker -- in those cases, I have linked back to those earlier posts.) These are truly "shots in the dark." I’m very interested in hearing what folks think of these here guidelines, so please send along any criticisms or suggestions.
As you read these, keep in mind (1) I’m playing primarily low fixed limit games ($1.00/$2.00), more often than not short-handed (6-max); (2) The limits I’ve established in rules #2, #3, and #4 are what I think might work for me -- if others think these rules are worth anything, they might want to alter the number of hands or win/loss figure; (3) I generally prefer not to play more than 200-300 hands per session, so those who like to play more might also find the limits I’m setting there to be inapplicable; (4) Ace-rag (rule #6) is my problem hand -- others may have a different hand holding that serves a similar purpose; (5) I am yr average, jingle-brained sap.
Here they are:
1. One table at a time.
I rarely play more than two at a time, but even then I know I’m losing an edge. I don’t know how (or whether) Poker Tracker can easily show me my results when I play a single table vs. when I play more than one table. (Anyone know how to check this? Let me know!) I strongly suspect, though, that I’m a loser overall whenever I open that second table. Once I do, I know I am no longer bothering to record mentally a lot of the information I otherwise take in during play. Another reason for me to avoid multitabling is the fact that more often than not I’m playing short-handed games, thus increasing the likelihood I’m due to make decisions at more than one table. I know the young guns boast of playing four, six, eight, or even more tables at once, but my addled brain simply cannot keep up enough for multitabling to be positive EV for me. (See “You Have Options at Gamefisher Table!”)
2. Leave after 100 hands if not up at least 5 big bets (e.g., $10 at the $1.00/$2.00 tables).
This rule (and the next two) are probably ones that many pros wouldn’t necessarily recommend. I have read in various places how it isn’t such a good idea to give yourself a fixed goal like this, as it has the potential to influence artificially your decision-making. I have a couple of responses to that observation. The first is that I’m not setting a goal here -- I’m not trying to win a certain amount at a given table, then leave once I do. Rather, I’m suggesting to myself that since there are always dozens of other tables out there to select, why remain at this one if I am not winning? I would hope this rule would also encourage me to remain at a table where things are going well. This is another, related problem I sometimes have -- once I win a significant amount, I tend to get anxious to leave so as to be able to record that winning session. This is, of course, counterintuitive. Why am I in such a hurry to leave a table where I’m a winner? The second response is that I’m not a pro. I’m not even a great player -- just a good one whose cautious approach and bankroll management skills have helped him maintain a modest win rate. Unlike the greats, I need to set some limits in order to reverse that trend of short winning sessions and long losing sessions.
3. Leave after 50 hands if down (any).
Building on the previous rule, here. 50 hands might not seem like a large enough sample to determine whether or not I have a chance to be successful at a given table, but here I’m counting on what I think to be a slight edge I possess over many of the opponents I face, namely, the ability to read them more quickly than they can read me. In the 6-max game, 50 hands is usually more than enough time for me to discover all five of my opponents’ patterns, tendencies, level of aggression, and so forth. (I may need to allow myself a longer period if playing a full table, but I'll stick with 50 there as well for now.) It is probably enough for them to figure me out as well. Nevertheless, if it hasn’t become somewhat clear to me that I have an advantage at a given table, shouldn’t I consider moving on?
4. Leave if ever down more than 10 big bets (i.e., $20 at the $1.00/$2.00 tables).
Again, this might seem a bit hasty. One can suffer a couple of bad beats -- hands otherwise played masterfully but lost when one’s opponent sucks out -- and be down 10 big bets within the first orbit. Why do I think I should leave so quickly? Why not stick around and get back what that donkey took from me? Like all of these rules, this is one aimed at my own particular profile. I get a little rattled when something like that happens, and I tend not to play my best game when significantly down (even if undeservedly). I usually carry 25 big bets to the table (e.g., $50), so losing more than 10 means my stack has been nearly cut in half. Whether this happens in 2 hands or 49 hands, I’m thinking that I, personally, need to seek greener pastures. (See “The Long Goodbye.”)
5. Leave if less than four-handed.
I actually enjoy playing heads-up and three-handed, but the fact that I’m putting in a blind more often than not in these situations makes it less than worthwile (for me, anyway). My Poker Tracker stats confirm this conclusion. There I see (since last July) I’ve played just over 1,000 hands either heads-up or three-handed. I’ve won about a third of those hands, but my overall net is a slight loss (about -0.03 BB/hand). Predictably, I’m a winner when not posting a blind (i.e., when on the button in the three-handed situation), and a loser when I do post (0.08 BB/hand). I suppose the rake is an issue here, too. While I feel like I adjust fairly well when the table is breaking up around me, I might as well leave, too, since I’m obviously not a consistent winner in these situations.
6. Leave the moment I don’t know how to play Ace-rag.
I’ve discovered that for me Ace-rag is a pretty clear indicator of where my head is at. I’m no fan of Ace-rag, but at the 6-max tables there are frequent occasions when it is not only playable, but can be worth pushing (depending on position, opponents, recent history, etc.). However, I have to be in tune with what is going on around me in order to play Ace-rag correctly. I’m not exactly saying here that if I notice myself committing blatant errors (e.g., calling three bets preflop when out of position with A4-offsuit) that’s how I’ll know I’m having a problem. Rather, I’m talking about something less tangible -- namely my initial reaction, when, say, I have just been dealt A6 in the cutoff. Am I glad? Am I anxious? When the action gets to me, do I know what to do? If I am not sure how to proceed, it is usually because of what has happened before at the table. Whether it be my opponents, the cards, my own level of play, or a combination of all three, if previous hands have affected my nerve, causing me confusion about how to deal with Ace-rag, it is time to get up.
7. Don’t concern self with getting back to even (i.e., logging a so-called “winning session”).
Like a lot of players, if I find myself behind in a session I tend to become fairly obsessed with the idea of getting back what I’ve lost. I alluded to this phenomenon recently in another context (“Anyone Else Feeling Stuck?”). This obsession is, I believe, the primary reason why I’m seeing my losing sessions lengthen and my winning sessions cut short. If I refocus my attention toward the particular table at which I’m sitting, I just might be able to train myself to stop fretting over what I’m ultimately going to be writing down in my black book at the end of the day.
8. Avoid chat.
I generally do, but it doesn’t hurt to remind myself. All sorts of reasons why not to chat. (See “Shaddup and Play Already,” “Humble Pie,” “Canary in the Coalmine.”)
There they are. At the end of February I’ll report back how these here rules have worked out. Meanwhile, any advice, criticisms, suggested revisions, or words of warning will be much appreciated.
Why Online Poker?
2. It is easy to learn.
3. It may be played in a great many different ways.
4. Any number of players from two to eleven at one table may play, although two to ten make the best game (Cash Games, Side Action) but in the Tournaments you can see as many as 1,000 players starting out at 100 tables, which ends up with one winner. Many of these larger tournaments are played over more than one day.
5. It is strictly a gambling card game, whether it is Hold'em, Poker penny-ante style or Seven-Card Stud table stakes. The gambling can be replaced with other incentives to play well. Without the gambling or incentive factors it would be one of America's least played games. PokerSchool is showing the industry how to replace the "gambling element" during the learning phase.
6. Each player, on his own, battles all the others. There is no partnership play.
7. It combines both chance and skill and is the only game in which a player can win only one hand all evening and still come out a winner, or win any more than the average number of hands and still lose to the game's action.
Observe Holdem Table Before Sitting
A Game of Incomplete Information
That’s from Harrington on Hold ’em, of course. Harrington’s quote about the game of poker seems highly applicable to the current state of online poker in America, generally speaking. Americans who play online poker today find themselves confronted with a constant stream of incomplete information. We are unsure about the future processes by which we will transfer money to and from poker sites. We are unsure about the integrity of certain sites and the alternatives to Neteller we are having to explore. We are even unsure about how best to proceed in the fight to save online poker (e.g., witness forum debates about the efficacy of joining the Poker Players Alliance). Compounding everything, falsehoods about the current status of the UIGEA continue to be perpetrated as well.
Here’s a quick list of a few of the areas where online poker players currently find themselves receiving incomplete information:
About online poker sites
A couple of posts back I complained about how the poker sites on which I play seemed as though they were being less than forthright with me about a certain aspect of their operations. My question concerned how exactly each site managed the money in players’ accounts -- by no means a question of great urgency for me, but an indicator of sorts of how the climate of information-sharing has changed since the passage of the UIGEA last October. Whereas before sites saw it needful to be as transparent as possible with customers regarding such issues, such openness no longer appears to be the case.
The most recent episode of the poker podcast Rounders (1/21/07) featured an interview that seemed to confirm what I was trying to say in that post. Mike Johnson and Adam Schwartz interviewed a person named Chris -- an executive at Cake Poker, a relatively-new poker site that currently hosts a modest number of players. Chris was a thoughtful commentator on the situation (even if we didn’t learn his last name -- more incomplete information!). Speaking of one effect the legislation has had, Chris said “It’s kind of futile, what they’re trying to do, because it is just going to push . . . [the online poker industry] underground. It was gaining some respectability and some, you know, official acceptance and recognition, especially when they [were] publicly listed companies. Now . . . nobody can go public. Now they all have be go private, and there’s no due diligence out there right now when you see . . . you know, at least Neteller would release their public records. At least PartyGaming would release their public records, their earnings, what they were spending, those kinds of things. Now you just have to trust what a company says again. It goes back to the way it was in 1999 and 2000, almost.”
Co-host Schwartz pointed out how a couple of sites operating then made off with players’ money. “A couple did,” acknowledged Chris. “And in the end, this [i.e., the unlikelihood of sites cheating customers] was the good thing [about online poker, because] it was starting to get acceptance and recognition . . . that’s the worst part, now [i.e., that such transparency is no longer the case].”
About third-party vendors
Unlike a lot of Americans who play online poker, I am not currently exploring ways to withdraw my money from any of the sites on which I play. Those who are have encountered a lot of difficulty -- particularly if attempting to move money to or from Neteller. I’ve read and heard stories about various problems encountered by players attempting to transfer funds, to use their Neteller debit cards, to contact customer service, and so forth.
Granted, forum threads aren’t always the most reliable place to research the situation -- amid the reports of players’ woes, I’m also see mind-boggling speculation that the DOJ may next seize funds in Neteller accounts. Can’t really imagine that as a possibility, but such worries aren’t entirely out of hand, I suppose, given the present state of uncertainty. We hear about ePassporte being a suitable alternative for Neteller, but we also hear about the company’s low rating (an “F”) from the Better Business Bureau. As I mentioned before, it is very difficult to play this here hand confidently until more information becomes available.
About the Poker Players Alliance
I am a member of the PPA. I sent in my dues, received my T-shirt and pin, and support their efforts. However, many online poker players are skeptical about the organization’s ability to represent online poker players’ needs and concerns, never mind actually help counter the effects of the UIGEA on online poker. In Two Plus Two’s statement regarding the PPA -- available here -- an outside law firm hired to review and analyze the PPA concluded they did “not believe Two Plus Two can actively encourage the financial support of the PPA because of the organization[’]s lack of transparency.” In other words, the chief criticism here appears to be incomplete information about how exactly the PPA operates. (EDIT [added 2/1/07]: On January 29th, The Poker Players Alliance posted a copy of its 990 form for 2005, fully disclosing its use of members' fees.]
I have to admit I have not read through all of Two Plus Two’s statement, nor have I followed up on either of the lengthy threads it engendered (available here and here). Perhaps in part because I haven’t read through the criticisms, I remain optimistic about the PPA and its future plans. I find PPA President Michael Bolcerek’s statement on “The State of Poker” (issued earlier this week) somewhat encouraging. Though, of course, I admit that here, as elsewhere, I am only operating on partial, incomplete information.
About the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act
Finally -- why do people keep talking about waiting 270 days until the UIGEA goes into effect? The UIGEA is in effect -- it became law on October 13, 2006 when the bill was signed by President Bush. Yet I keep reading and hearing people who theoretically know something about online poker claiming the law doesn’t really mean anything until this summer. Fred Mourey, the host of Joe Average Poker, has made this mistake about once per show since October. On the 1/16/07 episode, he again asked co-hosts Robin Farley and Charlie Knox to confirm his understanding. “The actual legislation still has not gone into effect, right?” he asked. “No,” answered Farley, “I believe that’s on July 10th . . . that’s the final date the banks have . . . .”
There was an equally frustrating conversation about the Neteller situation and the UIGEA on The Circuit this week (during the 1/21/07 episode). According to guest co-host Jon Friedberg, “there is a 270-day grace period from the day the bill got signed which I think was early November, or late October or something . . . ? So there’s still a good, you know, six, seven months or whatever that time frame is that Neteller and the U.S. financial institutions are legally allowed to continue conducting transactions . . . .” “Right,” agreed host Konan Luce.
Wrong. Among other things, the Act outlines how “designated payment systems” and “financial transaction providers” (meaning banks, credit card companies, or any other money transfer system) have been given 270 days from the date the bill is signed to implement measures to stop money from going to online gambling sites. To be even more specific, federal regulators have been given those 270 days to forward to banks, credit card companies, and money transfer systems guidelines for policing against transactions related to online gambling. (Whether such guidelines will be delivered on time is unclear.) In other words, there is no “grace period” here. The law is in effect. Anyone breaking the law after October 13, 2006 is at risk of being prosecuted. (Unless the law is repealed or amended, that is.)
“How much information is hidden and how much is available greatly affects the interest and playability of a game,” says Harrington. About sums it up, I’d say.
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Poker Scabs
BY: John Vorhaus
Suppose you had a scab on your knee. Your impulse would be to pick it – and you know how good it would feel if you did. Very common behavior, indulging ourselves in something that feels good. And it doesn't have to be a scab. It could be coffee, cigarettes, booze, pot, porn, anything. Whatever floats your boat. Why? Because, self-indulgence, my dear friend and attentive reader, is its own reward. Now I have no problem with self-indulgence when it comes to scabs or whatever. But when self-indulgence leaks into your poker, that's a recipe for mayhem. And the bad news is it happens all the time. You want examples? Can you stand to stare them in the face?
How about the time you went heads-up against some blind stealer, calling his raise even though you had only some scabby 7-4 with which to defend? The flop came 5-6-x and you got all moist and oozy because now you had a straight draw, even though you knew you had the worst of it, pot odds versus card odds, all that crap. But he bet and you called anyway. Why? 'Cause it felt good. You were imagining the look on that smug chump's face when you caught your draw, made your hand and administered to him the whupping that he and all other heathen, degenerate blind-stealers deserve. You didn't have a legitimate call, but you called anyway, because you wanted the triumph. You wanted to feel good. You wanted to see the look on the other guy's face when things went your way.
But most of the time in these situations, things do not go our way. Nor should they – pot odds versus card odds, all that crap. And then we end up losing not just money, but also credibility, and image, and control over ourselves and others at the table. So now we have a new math: self-indulgence = self-destruction. How do you feel about that?
Or how about this? You're getting ready to leave a game, but you decide to just play through to your blind before you go. This feels good because it feels like you're getting something for nothing, a free ride, a look at several more hands without having to pay the price of the blind. Trouble is, you've already mentally checked out of the game, and your chances of playing perfect poker (or even adequate poker) have checked out too. So now here comes a hand you know you shouldn't play, and never ever would play except for the fact that you're already halfway outta there, and maybe you have a few extra chips above some arbitrary number of chips (three more than a full rack, say?) so you decide to take a flier on the hand. Why? Because it feels good. It's action! But then you catch a piece of the flop and make several calls you shouldn't make (destroying the aesthetic purity of that full rack en route) and get clobbered in the hand. Which you deserve, frankly, since you shouldn't have been in it in the first place. Now, smarting from your wounds, you decide to take another lap or two (or six) around the table, rather than leave the game you had previously decided to leave. An hour (or six) later, you stumble away, stunned and remorseful, having turned a nice, respectable win into a devastating loss. You started out doing something that you thought would make you feel good and ended up feeling bad, bad, bad. You can call it fate or instant karma or even bad luck; I just say that the universe is there to sort you out.
Never fall victim to this again! Vow now to play all hands and every hand for a good, sound, solid reason and not just because it feels good. That's monkey poker. I have no time for that, and neither should you.
I played maybe 15 or 20 hours of poker last week, and I never played one single hand just for the hell of it. Can you make the same claim? Work on this. Set it as your goal. When you're in there, be in there for a reason, and not just because you feel like picking a scab.
Unless, of course, it's the other guy's scab.
Because, you see, once you realize that people do things at the poker table just to feel good about themselves, you can manipulate them into making countless costly mistakes in service of that spurious need. A guy hates to have his blind attacked? All the more reason to attack it! His defense makes him feel proud and bold and strong, even though it may be a big, fat, hairy error to defend. Someone looks like she's about to leave the game, just playing through to her blinds? Don't raise in front of her. Encourage her to call, since she wants to blow off a few random chips before she goes, and will likely choose to blow them off with a marginal hand. Don't encourage her to wise up. Let her toss her loose, dead money in the pot. Then bet any flop. She won't call, not if it means breaking her rack, and if she does break her rack, maybe you can get her stuck for the whole hundred chips!
Remember: Every mistake you discover in your own game is one that's present in your enemies' game as well. And they've got it worse than you, because they're not paying attention like you are. So now you have two jobs. The first is to eradicate self-indulgence from your play. The second is to encourage it and exploit it in others. What I want you to do, and I'm not kidding about this, is to write down these words on a piece of paper: self-indulgence = self-destruction. Then tape that piece of paper to your steering wheel or your dashboard so that you can see it and contemplate it and meditate upon it all the way to the place you play. When you arrive you'll be that much better prepared to play the kind of no-nonsense, serious-minded, kick-ass poker that you must play if you hope to have any realistic chance of winning at all.
Or would you rather just feel good?
Self Control In Poker
BY: Ashley AdamsContact at: (Asha34@aol.com) Author of Winning 7-Card Stud (Order Now on Amazon.com)
There are four key ingredients to being a winning low limit no limit player. You need to understand hand values. You need to understand pot odds. And you need to understand other players. Those would be three. The fourth is surely self-control. You can't be a winner playing any form of poker without self control. It's especially crucial at no limit.
Think about it. You're playing $5/10 limit Texas Hold Em or Stud. You space out. Or you get angry. Or you get cocky. And you raise out of anger or call out of boredom. What do you lose? A bet or two. $10 or $20 bucks. True, if your out-of-line play continues it will cost you more. But for that instant of inattention or emotional override you're only doomed to losing the single bet -- which is by definition limited.
But now we're at the no limit table. Low limit no limit to be sure, but still the only limit is what we have in front of us on the table. If we've just bought in to the $100 max buy-in game then we can lose our whole stack of $100 in an instant. If we're at a $2/4 $200 minimum game and we've bought in for $500, well we can lose all of that too. All because we failed to do what we know we need to do. Pretty big mistake, no?
So what can we do about this fatal flaw? Other than just knowing, intellectually, that going on tilt or spacing our or otherwise losing control during a no limit game can be fatal, what can we do about it?
Here are three things that I recommend to the inexperienced or otherwise learning player (and we should all always be learning, no?).
First, intend to play each hand alertly. Be ready to play when you sit down. For some, that means taking at least a few minutes to get ready to play. Don't just slam your money on the table as soon as you sit down and post the blind before looking at your cards and getting settled. Get settled. Size up the opposition. Size up yourself. Are you tired? nervous? Eager? Juiced up? Take note of it. Watch your opposition for a while. Can you at least put people into some broad category? Is the 3 seat tight? The 8 seat loose? No one says you have to dive right in the first chance you have. Sit back and observe for 15 minutes or so -- at least a couple of rounds so you can see what your opponents are doing.
Second, plan on a short session. Don't stay for more than a few hours ? and take regular breaks to keep your focus. I recommend that all but the most experienced players take a break after the first 30 minutes or so -- even if you're running really good. Stand up, walk away from the table, think about how you're doing. Doing fine? Noticing how others are playing? Thinking about your own play? Fine, then sit down again and play some more. Feeling restless? Distracted? Bored? Maybe you need a longer break. Maybe you should go home. There's no award for playing your best under bad circumstances. Don't be afraid to be honest with yourself and pull yourself out of a situation in which you don't feel fully comfortable.
Finally, pause before you act. I'm not talking about a dramatic pause of a minute or more like you see pros do in tough moments on TV. But I am suggesting that before you do anything you take 2 or 3 seconds before you act. Make this your routine. Think about what you're going to do before you do it -- even if it's an automatic fold. Say "I'm folding" and then pause another second and fold. If you see a raising hand, think "I'm raising. 3 times the pot -- no 4 times the pot." and then raise four times the pot. Every so often, whether you need extra time or not, you want to pause for a full 15-20 seconds to make sure that you're not giving anything away when you really need to pause this long. But nearly all the time there should be at least a small pause so you act deliberately.
Three things -- intent, breaks and pausing -- should help keep you engaged and thoughtful and prevent you from getting distracted or going on tilt. They won't prevent this completely of course. But they should help.