Desolation Angels
I've been busy the last few days and I have not been able to write at the great lengths which I'm used to. Now that I have some time, I'm gonna riff on some thoughts that have been festering.
When I walked into the emergency room at the hospital on Sunday, I saw my grandmother hooked up to all these machines. She was stuck in the ER because her room in the ICU wasn't ready yet due to some red tape. She was in a coma and the first thing that came to mind was "this is no way to die."
I've been a different frame of mind ever since. Whenever I'm confronted with death, all I want to do is live life. Right now, I have an attitude that... I'm not gonna take shit from anybody.
I was about to head out on the road for a month and do some living, working, and celebrating. However, for the last few days I was on the verge of not only canceling my trip to LA this weekend, but also canceling parts of my Las Vegas trip altogether. The situation with my grandmother in the first 24 hours was very grim and I had a heavy knot in my stomach. My gut told me that she wasn't going to make it and that I wouldn't be going anywhere for a while.
I haven't slept much this week. I went from 3-4 hours a night to barely an hour. I've been slipping into serious moments of self-reflection, confronting those lowlights in my life when I let my family down in more than one instance. I heard that I broke her heart when I walked out on Wall Street to selfishly seek out fame, glory, and the bohemian lifestyle as a writer. I rejected all the hard work and values that her generation tried to instill into their children/family. I know that it was the best thing for me, but she was about to go to her deathbed knowing that I failed to live up to her expectations. That dark cloud has been hanging around me the last few days. Here's the thing... aside from my brother, my family has no knowledge that I'm a blogger. They've never read any of my sites. I have no intentions of telling them either. I don't think I could fully explain to them what's happened this past year or what I exactly do for a living. They just wouldn't understand.
But what do I say? I was alone for a few minutes with my grandmother on Monday. I leaned over and spoke into her ear. I told her who I really was.
"I'm just a junkie. I drink too much. I gamble too much. And I spend way too much time in strip clubs. I treat women poorly with my brash insensitivity. I'm a selfish asshole who only thinks about himself. Everyday I say that I'm gonna improve my shortcomings and we know how that's never going to happen. But people pay me to write and send me all over the world. I make money doing something I love. I'm passionate about writing and that makes me happy. I've done more traveling than I ever imagined I would. I've swam with sharks in Jamaica. I chased the Northern Lights in Iceland. I've ridden bullet trains in Japan. I've climbed mountains in Colorado. I even got to shake hands with Jerry Garcia."
I told her sharks. I meat to say baby sand sharks.
In a completely selfish way I figured out what was the last possible day she could die without me having to cancel Vegas during the blogger weekend.
One week.
That's what I gave her. I secretly hoped that she'd die sooner than later. I'm such an asshole for wanting that. I could bullshit you and say that it would be easier for her and the rest of my family if she died sooner, but he truth was that I didn't want to miss seeing a lot of my friends. Hurry up and die so I can do shots with Al and go to strip clubs with Grubby. Yeah, I told you I'm an incorrigible fucktard.
Here's the good sappy part that you were waiting for.
The good news first bubbled up from something I heard Derek say, "Dude, I saw her open her eye."
And she did. She opened up both eyes. On Tuesday when I saw her last she recognized that I was there. She was sacred shitless and she was probably like, "Why the fuck is the tube shoved down my throat?" But I could see a soothing tone in her eyes when she saw me and Derek standing there.
Grandma's out of a coma and I'm going to Las Vegas!
There was a time in my life where I was paid insane amount of money on Wall Street to make crucial decisions everyday under the some of the highest amounts of stress possible. That's something you can't teach. Either you have it or you don't. Some days I'd have to make ten difficult decisions all day. Other days it was a hundred. Sometimes I had less than a minute to make six vital decisions with several millions of dollars on the line. I can sit back now and marvel at the insanity of what I used to do for a living. Thinking about it night makes me nervous. Every decision I made affected the reputation of my firm. If I made a mistake, I was pissing away someone's retirement fund or some kid's college fund. I was one trade away from going to prison and another trade away from going completely broke. Talk about a rush. I had no clue how I did what I did aside from the fact that I was thinking, just reacting.
I was grappling with a tough decision for the last few days. Stay in NYC or hit the road. It was driving me crazy that I had no control over the situation. I wanted to make a decision and was about to cancel my plans to go to LA this weekend. Then I got a small miracle. Grandma's not 100% but she was good enough for me to hit the road. As soon as she opened her eyes, the decision was made for me.
Now I am fortunate enough to spend the last month of the year mostly on the road. It's fitting too. 2005 was filled with plenty of travel for me this year. Most of it was business related and some of it was for pure pleasure. But I definitely was on the road more of this year than in the past five.
In 1999 and 2000 I did my most traveling both domestic and abroad. What I'm about to tell you is pretty much the material that I'm going to draw upon to write a book... someday. Some of the tales have become Truckin' stories. I was dating a hippie chick (we'll call her "Angela") from Texas and we crisscrossed America several times seeing Phish almost fifty times on different tours. One particular stretch of time involved a period of 100 days in 1999 where I was all over the place seeing Phish concerts. Sometimes we'd camp out. Other times we crashed with friends of ours. Our last resort was staying in a hotel, which I'd throw on my credit card. In the first thirty days, I flew from NYC to Dallas and drove to Kansas, Tennessee, Atlanta, Charlotte, and back to Dallas. Then I flew to NYC and drove to Philly, Boston, Northern New Jersey, upstate NY, Toronto Canada, Buffalo, NYC, Deer Creek Indiana, and back to NYC. I'm pretty sure that Daddy went to those same Phish shows in Deer Creek. Of course, I didn't know him then.
After a short rest in the city, I flew back to Texas and began another epic journey that would last 40 days. Angela and I drove from Texas all the way to Seattle, through New Mexico and Colorado to attend a music festival. After were spent a few days in Seattle, we crossed the border into Vancouver to see Phish. After a wild late night in Vancouver, we came back to America and saw concerts in central Washington (The Gorge) and a night in Portland before I headed to Boise, Idaho. Here's where it gets freaky. Human Head's wife, the lovely Mrs. Head, lived in Boise at the same time I was there. Of course, we didn't know each other and I wouldn't get to know the future Mr. Head until 5+ years later. Anyway, I ate in the restaurant she worked in. Pretty freaky, right? That's just an odd reminder that I might have crossed paths with many of you before. It's just that we didn't know it.
After Boise, we had to head to San Francisco but stopped off in Reno, NV for the night. Here's the gambling content. Angela's parents were religious hippies. They were also Baptists from Texas and frowned upon gambling. That did not deter their little angel from getting a crash course in blackjack from yours truly on the way from Boise to Reno. She end up almost $200 at the blackjack tables and I dropped a few bucks playing Stud. We should have been getting some rest but we stayed up all night gambling. The drive to San Francisco the next morning was rough. Angela yaked at the Califonria-Reno border. We saw two more concerts at Shoreline (one featuing Phil Lesh) and then drove down the Pacific Coast highway. We caught one more concert in San Diego and that night have been one of the 15 best Phish shows I've ever seen. We skipped a show in Los Angeles and headed to Mexico instead. It was my birthday and we wanted to go camping on the beach in Enseneda, drink tequila, and watch the sun rise. We drove back over the border and got back on tour in Arizona, followed by Las Cruces, New Mexico. My friend Molly was at that concert but we didn't know each other yet.
Once again, in some weird way, I've spent time in the same room/area of some people who I never knew or spoke to that would become my friends at a later date.
We got back to Texas and saw shows in Houston and Austin before we headed to New Orleans for a few days. I wanted to hit the riverboats in Biloxi, but we went to Pelham, Alabama to see a show instead. I know. Next up was Memphis and then we drove back to Texas where we saw a few Widespread Panic concerts. I flew home to NYC and saw the four final shows of their tour on Long Island and in Albany. At the end of it all, I ran up my credit card but had a few of the most amazing roadtrips in my life.
30+ cities in 100 days. Unreal.
The travel this year was not as intense but in many ways I look back on the places I've been and think... unreal. But the year is not over yet. The next stop on my journey is Las Vegas. On Friday, I depart Sin City and head to the City of Angels.
Here's where I tie everything down in the last few paragraphs and tell you that the last few weeks have been one helluva a mind fuck for me. I'm happy to be alive. One of the reasons I travel so much is because there's too much stuff out there in the world that I want to see and experience. Watching my grandmother struggle with severe health problems in the last chapter of her life reminded me that I still have a lot more I want to see... to visit... to do... to write... man, especially to write. I have at least five or six books and two screenplays in me (beside my Las vegas book which may never get done at this rate) and I have to get them out now before it's too late... before I'm hooked up to some machine and shitting myself in a diaper and regretting that I never got off my ass to write the Japan book, or paint again, or the write the sequel to Jack Tripper Stole My Dog.
I made poker such a huge priority in my life in 2005 and I'm blessed to have every second of it. But next year, I have to make some serious changes in my life. I realized that personal travel and writing (non-poker and non-freelance) is something that I want to pursue in addition to poker. I don't know if I can find a healthy balance for all three. One thing I learned about my time on Wall Street was that I had the ability to make big decisions fairly quickly and the majority of them were good. I'm going to be making a very big one pretty soon.
Like The Kurgan said, "It's better to burn out than to fade away."
You won't see him checking your ID at Kilroy's for...
You won't see him checking your ID at Kilroy's for extra cash. You won't see him working for wages at the checkout counter at Target. In fact, you might not see Roger Teska much at all.
That's because the junior biology major pays his tuition by putting in long hours in front of his computer screen. Teska and others like him have a very profitable knack for online gambling.
"Professional card players today can't afford not to play online because there's so much easy money," Teska said.
He estimates he has made about $50,000 since he began playing online poker two years ago.
Many students choose the reliability of a summer job or paid internship as their source of spending cash. Others, like Teska, relish the high-stakes, high-gain potential of online gambling. Teska said his online bankroll has been known to swing thousands of dollars up or down in a single day.
"I make my own hours," he said. "I don't have a boss. It's more rewarding (than a normal job) because generally you know that either you were better than the other player or you got lucky."
Teska is part of a rapidly developing poker culture. Spurred by televised broadcasts of the World Series of Poker, the popularity of online gambling has grown rapidly in the last few years. Partypoker, which began operating in 2001, is widely considered the industry leader in both users and profits.
Most sites allow players to gamble for free, or to gamble with their own money for real winnings or losses. Some allow users to gamble at up to eight tables at once.
While some players have struck it rich, the Web sites make the real cash. Sites like take a "rake," or a negligible portion of each game's winnings, to make their profit. With thousands of tables operating simultaneously, the results add up. Although companies are privately held, Web sites that track the industry estimate sites like partypoker make millions of dollars every day.
Teska has big plans for his career, as well. He said he puts in about eight hours per day, six days a week. He uses his earnings to pay for his diploma "as a back up." He hopes to one day play in the multi-million dollar face-to-face tournaments he watches on ESPN. In the meantime, online poker pays the bills.
"I don't look at it from a gambling aspect -- it's more of a job," he said. "There was a lot of thrill when I first started. Now, I sit down and I'm going to work."
The most successful "professional" gamblers can qualify for the World Series of Poker, a televised tournament where players compete for millions of dollars. Contestants play Texas Hold'em, a version of poker in which players are dealt two cards and must make the best possible hand by combining their hand with five community cards.
Junior Patrick Posten, who first logged on to in August, said Texas Hold'em is by far the most popular way to gamble on the Internet. Although he said he lacks the startup funding to truly make it big in the online gambling world, he hopes he can work his way up by gradually buying into bigger games.
"Right now, I'm just getting my spring break paid for," he said. "Who knows, though. Maybe one day you'll see me on that TV (playing in the World Series of Poker)."
Posten has made as much as $800 in a single day -- better than any summer job he has worked. But as with any high-risk monetary endeavor, the losses can be just as discouraging, not to mention time-consuming.
"Some nights, I start playing at 10:00," he said. "When I'm up $400 or $500 and I keep getting big hands, I'll stay up until 7 a.m."
To ensure profitability, he said poker players should bet in small increments and wait for a good hand before betting large amounts
Sophomore Sam Bogdon first began playing poker online in high school for fun, but he got serious when he came to IU. But now, after making about $4,000 last year, he said he has retired as a professional gambler.
Many sites boast sophisticated software to ensure game security and to prevent players from cheating, but Bogdon isn't convinced.
"Stuff happens that you would never see happen in real life," he said. "You see ridiculous hands where two people hit four-of-a-kind. I bought a card tracker last year. Because everything is computer generated, they can pick up the patterns. I think it's all rigged."
That's because the junior biology major pays his tuition by putting in long hours in front of his computer screen. Teska and others like him have a very profitable knack for online gambling.
"Professional card players today can't afford not to play online because there's so much easy money," Teska said.
He estimates he has made about $50,000 since he began playing online poker two years ago.
Many students choose the reliability of a summer job or paid internship as their source of spending cash. Others, like Teska, relish the high-stakes, high-gain potential of online gambling. Teska said his online bankroll has been known to swing thousands of dollars up or down in a single day.
"I make my own hours," he said. "I don't have a boss. It's more rewarding (than a normal job) because generally you know that either you were better than the other player or you got lucky."
Teska is part of a rapidly developing poker culture. Spurred by televised broadcasts of the World Series of Poker, the popularity of online gambling has grown rapidly in the last few years. Partypoker, which began operating in 2001, is widely considered the industry leader in both users and profits.
Most sites allow players to gamble for free, or to gamble with their own money for real winnings or losses. Some allow users to gamble at up to eight tables at once.
While some players have struck it rich, the Web sites make the real cash. Sites like take a "rake," or a negligible portion of each game's winnings, to make their profit. With thousands of tables operating simultaneously, the results add up. Although companies are privately held, Web sites that track the industry estimate sites like partypoker make millions of dollars every day.
Teska has big plans for his career, as well. He said he puts in about eight hours per day, six days a week. He uses his earnings to pay for his diploma "as a back up." He hopes to one day play in the multi-million dollar face-to-face tournaments he watches on ESPN. In the meantime, online poker pays the bills.
"I don't look at it from a gambling aspect -- it's more of a job," he said. "There was a lot of thrill when I first started. Now, I sit down and I'm going to work."
The most successful "professional" gamblers can qualify for the World Series of Poker, a televised tournament where players compete for millions of dollars. Contestants play Texas Hold'em, a version of poker in which players are dealt two cards and must make the best possible hand by combining their hand with five community cards.
Junior Patrick Posten, who first logged on to in August, said Texas Hold'em is by far the most popular way to gamble on the Internet. Although he said he lacks the startup funding to truly make it big in the online gambling world, he hopes he can work his way up by gradually buying into bigger games.
"Right now, I'm just getting my spring break paid for," he said. "Who knows, though. Maybe one day you'll see me on that TV (playing in the World Series of Poker)."
Posten has made as much as $800 in a single day -- better than any summer job he has worked. But as with any high-risk monetary endeavor, the losses can be just as discouraging, not to mention time-consuming.
"Some nights, I start playing at 10:00," he said. "When I'm up $400 or $500 and I keep getting big hands, I'll stay up until 7 a.m."
To ensure profitability, he said poker players should bet in small increments and wait for a good hand before betting large amounts
Sophomore Sam Bogdon first began playing poker online in high school for fun, but he got serious when he came to IU. But now, after making about $4,000 last year, he said he has retired as a professional gambler.
Many sites boast sophisticated software to ensure game security and to prevent players from cheating, but Bogdon isn't convinced.
"Stuff happens that you would never see happen in real life," he said. "You see ridiculous hands where two people hit four-of-a-kind. I bought a card tracker last year. Because everything is computer generated, they can pick up the patterns. I think it's all rigged."
Truckin' - November 2005, Vol. 4, Issue 11 Edito...
Truckin' - November 2005, Vol. 4, Issue 11

Editor's Note: This is a repost. I prematurely published this month's issue of Truckin' by accident. This is the actual issue! I also apologize to Jaxia for omitting her from the original publication. Because Jaxia is a Texan, and a heavily armed lesbian, I offer up my most humblest of apologies. I don't want to have a Valerie Solanas/Andy Wharol situation when Jaxia attempts to knock me off in Las Vegas next month. I'm afraid that she's a much better shot than Valerie. Anyway, here's my "final cut" or the November issue including Jaxia's poem(s) Gemini. Thanks again! McG
Yes, I finally published another issue of Truckin'! Thanks to everyone who particpated this month. It looks like it turned out to be one kick ass issue. After all, anything from AlCantHang is a bonus!
1. Las Vegas Blvd. Hookers by Tenzin McGrupp
The Joker wanted me to teach him how to spot a hooker in Las Vegas and I gave him a quick tutorial. We identified the ladies as they walked right next to us... More
2. Dead of Night by Joe Speaker
I shade my night eyes toward the floor, groping with my left hand for the chair I know is there somewhere, cradling my pen and pad in my right. Sleep has eluded me again, pushed aside by the wall of thoughts stacking impenetrably in my head... More
3. To Be Determined by Human Head
The only two people he had ever been exposed to with that name came in the form of a television show about a retard named Bill, and his grandpa, who smelled like a mix of body odor and dirt... More
4. The Shit House by Al Cant Hang
I think I recently killed my new co-worker and friend. I'm not saying that I murdered him, but I think my actions led to his demise... More
5. Walk by Scuba Steve
After getting bleary-eyed on Buddha, nothing is better than a Marlboro and a Mountain Dew. Man, what I wouldn't do for a Mountain Dew right now... More
6. Me, Bob and the Blonde by Tom Love
We walked a couple of more blocks, eyes bloodshot, eyelids puffy. In front of a pharmacy, we were approached by two cute British girls in miniskirts who started a flirting conversation with us... More
7. Gemini a poem by Jaxia Kiley
To pulverize a living, beating heart... More

Editor's Note: This is a repost. I prematurely published this month's issue of Truckin' by accident. This is the actual issue! I also apologize to Jaxia for omitting her from the original publication. Because Jaxia is a Texan, and a heavily armed lesbian, I offer up my most humblest of apologies. I don't want to have a Valerie Solanas/Andy Wharol situation when Jaxia attempts to knock me off in Las Vegas next month. I'm afraid that she's a much better shot than Valerie. Anyway, here's my "final cut" or the November issue including Jaxia's poem(s) Gemini. Thanks again! McG
Yes, I finally published another issue of Truckin'! Thanks to everyone who particpated this month. It looks like it turned out to be one kick ass issue. After all, anything from AlCantHang is a bonus!
1. Las Vegas Blvd. Hookers by Tenzin McGrupp
The Joker wanted me to teach him how to spot a hooker in Las Vegas and I gave him a quick tutorial. We identified the ladies as they walked right next to us... More
2. Dead of Night by Joe Speaker
I shade my night eyes toward the floor, groping with my left hand for the chair I know is there somewhere, cradling my pen and pad in my right. Sleep has eluded me again, pushed aside by the wall of thoughts stacking impenetrably in my head... More
3. To Be Determined by Human Head
The only two people he had ever been exposed to with that name came in the form of a television show about a retard named Bill, and his grandpa, who smelled like a mix of body odor and dirt... More
4. The Shit House by Al Cant Hang
I think I recently killed my new co-worker and friend. I'm not saying that I murdered him, but I think my actions led to his demise... More
5. Walk by Scuba Steve
After getting bleary-eyed on Buddha, nothing is better than a Marlboro and a Mountain Dew. Man, what I wouldn't do for a Mountain Dew right now... More
6. Me, Bob and the Blonde by Tom Love
We walked a couple of more blocks, eyes bloodshot, eyelids puffy. In front of a pharmacy, we were approached by two cute British girls in miniskirts who started a flirting conversation with us... More
7. Gemini a poem by Jaxia Kiley
To pulverize a living, beating heart... More
Saturdays with Dr. Pauly Final Event Don't forget...
Saturdays with Dr. Pauly Final Event
Don't forget that tomorrow is the final event of Saturdays with Dr. Pauly.
We will also find out who wins the overall prizes:
Don't forget that tomorrow is the final event of Saturdays with Dr. Pauly.
11.26.05 @ 1pm ESTThe first place winner gets a copy of Phil Gordon's new book. Whoever busts me gets an itunes gift card.
Poker Stars
Tournament #14328957
$10+1 NL Hold'em
Password = hiltons
We will also find out who wins the overall prizes:
1st place = iPod NanoI hope to start up a new series of tournaments in January or February. Stay tuned for more details. See ya tomorrow.
2md place = Big Lebowski DVD
3rd place = phone call from Daddy
Last Place = Mystery Gift
Top 10 on the iPod leaderboard:
1. On_Thg 8-1-19 = 28 (Event #2 Winner)
1. Philly63367 12-10-6 = 28
3. Bobby Bracelet 3-25-15 = 43
4. CJ 5-44-1 = 50 (Event #3 Winner)
5. Jen Leo 10-24-24 = 58
6. SirWaffle 1-58-12 = 71 (Event #1 Winner)
7. Joanne 25-43-9 = 77
8. Gary634 2-20-72 = 94
9. Drizz 19-40-37 = 96
10. TML10023 (Terry Lane) 29-17-53 = 99
Mrs Columbo possibly insane
That's right. Thanks to the WPBT and her entry in the big event, she has been playing 40+ hours a week in order to not be a fish. She already played alot, but now she is up to dawn practicing online. She is already competent, but she wants to do well in front of our peers. Now I have to hope I manage to finish better her in addition to others. Just more pressure I guess!!!
I will bring some WPBT hats to sell at cost. They came out well enough, but the supplier is a flaky woman, so I only hope I get them in time. Right now, I have just the two samples.
Playing in a O8B 2 table SnG tonight instead of our monthly NLHE game. I hope to clean up but I have had troubles in the early rounds of 8OB where the entire tables plays garbage and its an Ozz-fest of chasing. In this situation, what does one do with trips, or even worse, 2 pair. I expect I will make most of my money catching players chasing 1/2 the pot (usually low). I will have to take my signature notepad with me!
Thanksgiving was a family only affair this year, then we stayed up late and watched our "my name is earl" episodes and slept in. Well, I slept in, Mrs Columbo just went to bed.
I will bring some WPBT hats to sell at cost. They came out well enough, but the supplier is a flaky woman, so I only hope I get them in time. Right now, I have just the two samples.
Playing in a O8B 2 table SnG tonight instead of our monthly NLHE game. I hope to clean up but I have had troubles in the early rounds of 8OB where the entire tables plays garbage and its an Ozz-fest of chasing. In this situation, what does one do with trips, or even worse, 2 pair. I expect I will make most of my money catching players chasing 1/2 the pot (usually low). I will have to take my signature notepad with me!
Thanksgiving was a family only affair this year, then we stayed up late and watched our "my name is earl" episodes and slept in. Well, I slept in, Mrs Columbo just went to bed.
Stacks Preview Players November 23rd, 2005 Stacks ...
Stacks Preview Players
November 23rd, 2005
Stacks Poker is now recruiting Stacks Preview Players to beta test its ground-breaking software. Stacks has taken a unique approach to its beta period by structuring the test as a competition. Stacks Preview Players will be granted access to nightly free roll tournaments, allowing them to start building their real money stacks before launch! The participant who accumulates the most cash through the nightly free rolls will be crowned the Beta Champion and receive a great prize package courtesy of StacksPoker.
Becoming a Stacks Preview Player is absolutely free! For the duration of the test participants will have the opportunity to experiment with the site and relay feedback to the development team. Stacks Preview Players will play an important role in the fine tuning of what is to be the internet’s most advanced poker room.
Sign up now.
Also they are offering 50% revunue share for affiliates. limited time offer.
interested to be affiliates at stacks? sign up now
November 23rd, 2005
Stacks Poker is now recruiting Stacks Preview Players to beta test its ground-breaking software. Stacks has taken a unique approach to its beta period by structuring the test as a competition. Stacks Preview Players will be granted access to nightly free roll tournaments, allowing them to start building their real money stacks before launch! The participant who accumulates the most cash through the nightly free rolls will be crowned the Beta Champion and receive a great prize package courtesy of StacksPoker.
Becoming a Stacks Preview Player is absolutely free! For the duration of the test participants will have the opportunity to experiment with the site and relay feedback to the development team. Stacks Preview Players will play an important role in the fine tuning of what is to be the internet’s most advanced poker room.
Sign up now.
Also they are offering 50% revunue share for affiliates. limited time offer.
interested to be affiliates at stacks? sign up now
Hi, Welcome to pokerbonus info. We are here to fin...
Hi, Welcome to pokerbonus info. We are here to find out which poker room has best bonus and how to clear them up . First lets talk about bet. Bet365 Poker is one of the best poker room around the net. So many people playing in bet365, its a prima skin but still people like it because of their fast withdraw and special bonus. They offer any new player who sign up and play only 50 rake hands, and if you email them you will get $50 free in 24 hours. Also they have some special bonus, every month they giving away $100 to all player who has played 500 rake hands, means you play 50 rake hands, you get $10, up to $100. Just simply email their customer support, and they will send you $100 in 24 hours. That's why I love this bet365 poker room.. I have been playing 3 years & i'm happy with it.
*NEW* $100 In Free Chips for New Customers instead of $50 PLUS….$100 In Free Chips for ALL Customers (Earn as you play)AND FINALLY….$25,000 Freeroll on Saturday 26th November (No entry fee and no raked hands requirements)New creative coming through this week!
*NEW* $100 In Free Chips for New Customers instead of $50 PLUS….$100 In Free Chips for ALL Customers (Earn as you play)AND FINALLY….$25,000 Freeroll on Saturday 26th November (No entry fee and no raked hands requirements)New creative coming through this week!
WPBT hats!!!!
Are you interested in a hat??? Just let me know that you'll cough up somewhere around $15-$18 bucks and I'll pack you one in my suitcase!!! There are TWO styles to choose from and they feature the WPBT logo. I am selling them at COST because I am ONLY doing this because I think its really cool.
There are two styles, table felt green with brown rail visor, and of course black. The green came out WAY cooler than expected.
Take a look and email me or post a comment with your blogger name and I'll order you one.

There are two styles, table felt green with brown rail visor, and of course black. The green came out WAY cooler than expected.
Take a look and email me or post a comment with your blogger name and I'll order you one.


Why poker is like an RPG
An RPG (or role playing game) in the vein of Dark age of Camelot, or Star Wars Battlefield, or the mammoth Everquest are very similar to poker. As you start your character, you have a new world and no experience. You take on lame beginner missions and build experience. After a long while, you make some friends, learn to navigate the world, and finally take on some real challenges. And if you stick with it, you drive your character up to the high levels which allow you move intense adventures. Sound familiar?
Mrs Columbo started her adventure over the Christmas holiday last year. She played at the play money tables for 8 months, building experience, making friends, and becoming emotionally attached to the world she spent so much time in. Recently, she has moved up to the real money micro tables. A small step? hardly. She earned it and she is doing well. She is even placing in some tournaments.
Poker is sort of an RPG for non-gamers. The biggest difference being that you decide when you are ready to move up instead of some artificial time scale called "exp". And its risk-reward based. Move up before you ready and your bankroll suffers. I bet the RPG crowd could learn alot from this.
Point? well, let me digress a bit and make another one. Party Poker is going to ruin everything. When they took their poker site public, they added the pressure of growth revenues. That cuased the company to look for more ways to generate growth (income). They introduced blackjack and side bets. And that's gambling. Its not game play based on skill, its plain gambling. And it marks the beginning of the end. Soon we will see the negative backlash that comes with gambling, then regulation based on the lost tax revenues, and then decline of ease of online play, then when the boom ends, the brick casinos start to offer less card room space.
These things swing like pendulums and if you dont believe it, then you're simple too young to have seen it all before.
(and now to tie these two together) Just like each RPG explodes with popularity, it is always replaced by the "newest and shinyest" version. Its just a matter of time. And poker will lose ground to other activities, namely everything else in the world. Its explosive moment in the sun may change the landscape forever, but certainly will not remain the dominant force it is now. That's why we remember things like "the 80s" as the 80s.
And one more thing.... LIONS WIN!!! LIONS WIN!!!
Mrs Columbo started her adventure over the Christmas holiday last year. She played at the play money tables for 8 months, building experience, making friends, and becoming emotionally attached to the world she spent so much time in. Recently, she has moved up to the real money micro tables. A small step? hardly. She earned it and she is doing well. She is even placing in some tournaments.
Poker is sort of an RPG for non-gamers. The biggest difference being that you decide when you are ready to move up instead of some artificial time scale called "exp". And its risk-reward based. Move up before you ready and your bankroll suffers. I bet the RPG crowd could learn alot from this.
Point? well, let me digress a bit and make another one. Party Poker is going to ruin everything. When they took their poker site public, they added the pressure of growth revenues. That cuased the company to look for more ways to generate growth (income). They introduced blackjack and side bets. And that's gambling. Its not game play based on skill, its plain gambling. And it marks the beginning of the end. Soon we will see the negative backlash that comes with gambling, then regulation based on the lost tax revenues, and then decline of ease of online play, then when the boom ends, the brick casinos start to offer less card room space.
These things swing like pendulums and if you dont believe it, then you're simple too young to have seen it all before.
(and now to tie these two together) Just like each RPG explodes with popularity, it is always replaced by the "newest and shinyest" version. Its just a matter of time. And poker will lose ground to other activities, namely everything else in the world. Its explosive moment in the sun may change the landscape forever, but certainly will not remain the dominant force it is now. That's why we remember things like "the 80s" as the 80s.
And one more thing.... LIONS WIN!!! LIONS WIN!!!
Saturday's with Pauly
Finally got to play in one of these!!!
PokerStars Tournament #14328904, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $10.00/$1.00
93 players
Total Prize Pool: $930.00
Tournament started - 2005/11/12 - 13:00:00 (ET)
Dear Columbo777,
You finished the tournament in 9th place.
Not bad, just made the money. Was top 3 in chips until I lost back to back races. My 66 lost to AQ (I was the aggressor) and my A6 lost to 33in the BB who must of thought I was on a steal (I was, but it was still a race).
Other than that, I played decent. Helped along the way by a couple of sets which made up for the two times my KK ran into AA.
I REALLY wanted to win, but so does everyone. At least I didn't embarrass myself. And to everyone who played, see you in Vegas baby!
PokerStars Tournament #14328904, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $10.00/$1.00
93 players
Total Prize Pool: $930.00
Tournament started - 2005/11/12 - 13:00:00 (ET)
Dear Columbo777,
You finished the tournament in 9th place.
Not bad, just made the money. Was top 3 in chips until I lost back to back races. My 66 lost to AQ (I was the aggressor) and my A6 lost to 33in the BB who must of thought I was on a steal (I was, but it was still a race).
Other than that, I played decent. Helped along the way by a couple of sets which made up for the two times my KK ran into AA.
I REALLY wanted to win, but so does everyone. At least I didn't embarrass myself. And to everyone who played, see you in Vegas baby!
worst post ever
I'm sorry. Really. That 22 lousy hands post was the lamest post ever. Here is a more interesting and shorter version of it (with no redundant info).
I decided to play in a bigger money tournament after reading doubleAs advice to Pauly (?P to play in one big tournament a week. For a wannabe like me, the $20 is a big money tournament, despite my satellite into the $175 the other night.
I feel I need to do this, and this was the push I needed. So, did I fare well? No. Did I PLAY well? Well, that is what I was worried about and thus posted the entire 22 hands. I dont think so, but cant quite put my finger on it. But this morning I can. The big hand that cost me 2/3 of my chips was pair vs. pair and neither was TP. We both properly identified that the other did not have the Ace and that the oeverpair was good. His was just one better. Tragic? Yes. Poor play on my part? Well, I did not like the wimpy turn bet that I used to fake a value bet (which he bought, but called anyway because it was too small). But should I have gone all-in on the river? Probably. Because I committed my stack and its health to the pot. Sure I did not go broke, but had to play short stack and had loose callers knock me out one rotation later.
I will do this again! Viva la wannabe.
I decided to play in a bigger money tournament after reading doubleAs advice to Pauly (?P to play in one big tournament a week. For a wannabe like me, the $20 is a big money tournament, despite my satellite into the $175 the other night.
I feel I need to do this, and this was the push I needed. So, did I fare well? No. Did I PLAY well? Well, that is what I was worried about and thus posted the entire 22 hands. I dont think so, but cant quite put my finger on it. But this morning I can. The big hand that cost me 2/3 of my chips was pair vs. pair and neither was TP. We both properly identified that the other did not have the Ace and that the oeverpair was good. His was just one better. Tragic? Yes. Poor play on my part? Well, I did not like the wimpy turn bet that I used to fake a value bet (which he bought, but called anyway because it was too small). But should I have gone all-in on the river? Probably. Because I committed my stack and its health to the pot. Sure I did not go broke, but had to play short stack and had loose callers knock me out one rotation later.
I will do this again! Viva la wannabe.
Do you want the money or what Jay has in the box?
PokerStars Tournament #14619983, No Limit Hold'em
Super Satellite
Buy-In: $5.00/$0.50 (I rebought to double chips after the first hand, DESPITE my policy of NOT doing that. So I was into this sucker for $11)
274 players <= that's alot of players
Total Prize Pool: $4775.00
Target Tournament #14619755 Buy-In: $175.00
27 tickets to the target tournament
Tournament started - 2005/11/06 - 16:45:00 (ET)
Dear Columbo777,
You finished the tournament in 1st place.
You qualified to play in Tournament #14619755 and are automatically registered for it.
See Tournament #14619755 Lobby for further details.
If you choose to unregister from this tournament your account will be credited
with 175.00 W$. W$ can be used to buy into any qualifying special PokerStars event.
Visit our web site at for more details.
This came the hard way, as with the blinds being 100% of everyone stacks in about 9 hands, I get JJ in the SB. Now I THINK I can fold my way there, but it will be CLOSE as the blinds go up every 5 seconds. Its folded to the button, who goes all-in. I fold it as does the BB and he shows 94s just to be a jerk. By the way, I made it by ONE hand (I was the $40k all-in BB next hand. $40k counted for 8th oeverall in chips at the time no less).
THEN, a spam message spews forth offering to BUY my entry the the $175 double shootout for $140. Righteous bucks. But I have never played in a big money satellite, nor a double shootout for real money. And I have nothing better to do with $140 bucks. So, I'm plunging in. In about 40 minutes. If there is no follow-up post, assume the worst.
Most amusing hand of the night. just before the rebuy period is over, 2 players get stupid and start moving all-in every hand. The 3rd time, I wakeup with KK and take down the both of them, plus another VERY loose caller with A9. It may have been early, but it sure helps to have dead money at your table anytime you can get it.
Super Satellite
Buy-In: $5.00/$0.50 (I rebought to double chips after the first hand, DESPITE my policy of NOT doing that. So I was into this sucker for $11)
274 players <= that's alot of players
Total Prize Pool: $4775.00
Target Tournament #14619755 Buy-In: $175.00
27 tickets to the target tournament
Tournament started - 2005/11/06 - 16:45:00 (ET)
Dear Columbo777,
You finished the tournament in 1st place.
You qualified to play in Tournament #14619755 and are automatically registered for it.
See Tournament #14619755 Lobby for further details.
If you choose to unregister from this tournament your account will be credited
with 175.00 W$. W$ can be used to buy into any qualifying special PokerStars event.
Visit our web site at for more details.
This came the hard way, as with the blinds being 100% of everyone stacks in about 9 hands, I get JJ in the SB. Now I THINK I can fold my way there, but it will be CLOSE as the blinds go up every 5 seconds. Its folded to the button, who goes all-in. I fold it as does the BB and he shows 94s just to be a jerk. By the way, I made it by ONE hand (I was the $40k all-in BB next hand. $40k counted for 8th oeverall in chips at the time no less).
THEN, a spam message spews forth offering to BUY my entry the the $175 double shootout for $140. Righteous bucks. But I have never played in a big money satellite, nor a double shootout for real money. And I have nothing better to do with $140 bucks. So, I'm plunging in. In about 40 minutes. If there is no follow-up post, assume the worst.
Most amusing hand of the night. just before the rebuy period is over, 2 players get stupid and start moving all-in every hand. The 3rd time, I wakeup with KK and take down the both of them, plus another VERY loose caller with A9. It may have been early, but it sure helps to have dead money at your table anytime you can get it.
Sitting at a Final Table in a Wil Wheaton Private ...
Sitting at a Final Table in a Wil Wheaton Private Tournament
First of all thanks to Wil Wheaton for setting up these Friday night events on Poker Stars. Tons of fun. Congrats to Alan who won and Iggy who came in second. Last week G-Rob and Daddy went heads up. Always cool to see bloggers representin' at the final table.
I took 6th place and at one point I held the chip lead. Sir Waffle came from behind after been short stacked early and he survived the first break, which netted me a cool prop bet. Thanks Sir Waffle. And for all you newbies out there... I get credit for dubbing SirFWALGMAN as Sir Waffle, which is a nickname I gave him during our blogger games on Party Poker last year.
Wil live blogged the event on Card Squad. Take a peek. 127 players played. Top 18 won prize money.
Here's my recap.
7:00pm... My starting table:
7:12pm... Mellon101 dropped the Hammer!
7:19pm... EvaCanHang got moved to my table.
7:20pm... I won a big hand against Eva with AQ. I had almost 3K.
7:22pm... Mellon101 dropped the Hammer... again.
7:25... I was 10th out of 109 with T3070.
7:27pm... I won another pot against Eva when my K9s beat out her busted straight draw.
7:29pm... Gracie was moved to Derek's table.
7:38pm... Noteable Bustouts: StB (125), MVilla888 (123), April98 (109), GRob (104), SarahBellum (102), Shane "Big Pimpin" Nickerson (99), EvaCanHang (96).
7:42pm... With 4-4, I flopped a set with an ace on the flop. I busted someone who had A-J. I moved into 5th place with 88 players remaining and a stack just below $5K.
7:43pm... Maudie was out in 88 and Gracie followed in 86th place.
7:44pm... KyHunny dropped the Hammer twice inside of an orbit.
8:00pm... Just before the break, The Poker Prof was sucked out on by SoxLover when he caugth a two outer. Ouch. Prof finished in 71st place. At the break, I was 12th out of 68 with T4475 and I won the SirWaffle prop bet.
8:15pm... Chad busted out in 66th and Joanne was eliminated in 64th place.
8:24pm... I dropped the Jack Hammer at my table. I was 13/55.
8:25pm... VegasGreg got Quad 6s at my table.
8:30pm... Derek was eliminated when he moved all in with a short stack and 7-7. Unlucky for him 8-8 and Q-Q both called! He finished in 48th place.
8:32pm... Wil was moved to my table. With him came a flock of railbirds and the start of the most overheard comment of the night... "This looks like the TV table." My favroite comment was from Sloshr, who said, "I know who Pauly is, but who the hell is Wil Wheaton?" To which Wil replied, "I was in Star Wars."
8:39pm... As soon as the antes kicked in, I shifted gears and started picking up small pots. I moved up to 8th out of 42 and had a stack around T6100.
8:44pm... Wes the Big Arrrggggghhhhh Pirate was moved to my table and he promptly busted a player with K-K when he had A-A. Argggghhhh! He then had 10K in chips.
8:55pm... I won a pot with A-Q and had about T7800.
8:56pm... Taking a move out of Derek's playbook, I limped with the Hammer and took down a pot on the flop when a 7 fell. I was 5th out of 29 with T9600.
9:05pm... At the break, I was 6th out of 26 with T8175. SirWaffle was 3rd in chips.
9:14pm... I was still at Wil and Wes' table and developed a maniac image. I was stealing a lot of blinds and antes, although I was getting some juiced hands. I was hoping I'd get called. I found A-K at the cutoff and raised. Someone with A-8 thought I wa m aking a move and called. I was ahead when an ace flopped, but the turn gave him an open ended straight draw. My hand held up and I had 19K in chips. I typed in the chat, "I was sweating like a junkie in rehab."
9:23pm... Wil had been getting irked that I was stealing his blinds. I found JJ on the button and knew I was gonna get paid off. I raised a small amount and Wil went over the top of me with a middle ace. I called and he flopped an ace. I doubled Wil up. I wrote in the chat, "Make sure you blog it was a bad beat blog boy!" I was so close to getting next week's tournament named the "Dr. Pauly Invitational!"
9:26pm... I was all in preflop with the Hilton Sisters against A-K. Again, an ace flopped, but I caught running hearts to fill in a four flush. River justice. Karmic payback? I moved into second place out of 18.
9:34pm... In the hand of the tournament and possibly the bad beat of the day, Iggy and Sir Waffle went heads up when they both had Top 10 stacks. With 10-10, Iggy flopped a set against Sir Waffle'sA-A K-K. Ouch. Sir Waffle bubbled out and Iggy had a huge chip lead once we reached the money.
9:39pm... Wil's 8-8 lost to Toby039's J-10. Skecthy call from Toby. When he asked Wil if he wona bounty, Wil joked, "Yeah you win a book on How not to call all ins with J-10o."
9:40pm... Wil called my cellphone to apolgize about the A-8 vs my J-J. He tells me to go on and win it all.
9:43pm... 2 out of 10th as we reach the final table bubble.
9:45pm... I made the final table with 19K! Here's who else made it:
10:01pm... I found A-A in the big blind and doubled up against 5-5. I was 2/8 with 40K.
10:15pm... At the break I ws 2/7. Iggy was the chipleader. Alan was 3rd.
10:23pm... I tried to make a steal with Q-2. Iggy moved over the top of me from the BB. I folded. I almost called. He had Q-4. I lost a huge chunk of my stack.
10:24pm... I moved all in with 3-3 against 6-6 ad had just 124 in chips. I 4x up on the next hand and was out in 6th place.
Iggy donked off most of his chips to Alan who came from behind to win Wil's tourney. Congrats to Alan and thanks again to Wil!

Congrats to Alan from Geek and Proud!!

I took 6th place and at one point I held the chip lead. Sir Waffle came from behind after been short stacked early and he survived the first break, which netted me a cool prop bet. Thanks Sir Waffle. And for all you newbies out there... I get credit for dubbing SirFWALGMAN as Sir Waffle, which is a nickname I gave him during our blogger games on Party Poker last year.
Wil live blogged the event on Card Squad. Take a peek. 127 players played. Top 18 won prize money.
Here's my recap.
7:00pm... My starting table:
Seat 1: Murmur127:03pm... I had AA and doubled up against JJ. Then I got moved tables.
Seat 3: Pokahbear
Seat 4: Chrisowns
Seat 5: Pauly
Seat 6: BDidde
Seat 7: Ackbleh
Seat 8: BDR1968
Seat 9: Maudie
7:12pm... Mellon101 dropped the Hammer!
7:19pm... EvaCanHang got moved to my table.
7:20pm... I won a big hand against Eva with AQ. I had almost 3K.
7:22pm... Mellon101 dropped the Hammer... again.
7:25... I was 10th out of 109 with T3070.
7:27pm... I won another pot against Eva when my K9s beat out her busted straight draw.
7:29pm... Gracie was moved to Derek's table.
7:38pm... Noteable Bustouts: StB (125), MVilla888 (123), April98 (109), GRob (104), SarahBellum (102), Shane "Big Pimpin" Nickerson (99), EvaCanHang (96).
7:42pm... With 4-4, I flopped a set with an ace on the flop. I busted someone who had A-J. I moved into 5th place with 88 players remaining and a stack just below $5K.
7:43pm... Maudie was out in 88 and Gracie followed in 86th place.
7:44pm... KyHunny dropped the Hammer twice inside of an orbit.
8:00pm... Just before the break, The Poker Prof was sucked out on by SoxLover when he caugth a two outer. Ouch. Prof finished in 71st place. At the break, I was 12th out of 68 with T4475 and I won the SirWaffle prop bet.
8:15pm... Chad busted out in 66th and Joanne was eliminated in 64th place.
8:24pm... I dropped the Jack Hammer at my table. I was 13/55.
8:25pm... VegasGreg got Quad 6s at my table.
8:30pm... Derek was eliminated when he moved all in with a short stack and 7-7. Unlucky for him 8-8 and Q-Q both called! He finished in 48th place.
8:32pm... Wil was moved to my table. With him came a flock of railbirds and the start of the most overheard comment of the night... "This looks like the TV table." My favroite comment was from Sloshr, who said, "I know who Pauly is, but who the hell is Wil Wheaton?" To which Wil replied, "I was in Star Wars."
8:39pm... As soon as the antes kicked in, I shifted gears and started picking up small pots. I moved up to 8th out of 42 and had a stack around T6100.
8:44pm... Wes the Big Arrrggggghhhhh Pirate was moved to my table and he promptly busted a player with K-K when he had A-A. Argggghhhh! He then had 10K in chips.
8:55pm... I won a pot with A-Q and had about T7800.
8:56pm... Taking a move out of Derek's playbook, I limped with the Hammer and took down a pot on the flop when a 7 fell. I was 5th out of 29 with T9600.
9:05pm... At the break, I was 6th out of 26 with T8175. SirWaffle was 3rd in chips.
9:14pm... I was still at Wil and Wes' table and developed a maniac image. I was stealing a lot of blinds and antes, although I was getting some juiced hands. I was hoping I'd get called. I found A-K at the cutoff and raised. Someone with A-8 thought I wa m aking a move and called. I was ahead when an ace flopped, but the turn gave him an open ended straight draw. My hand held up and I had 19K in chips. I typed in the chat, "I was sweating like a junkie in rehab."
9:23pm... Wil had been getting irked that I was stealing his blinds. I found JJ on the button and knew I was gonna get paid off. I raised a small amount and Wil went over the top of me with a middle ace. I called and he flopped an ace. I doubled Wil up. I wrote in the chat, "Make sure you blog it was a bad beat blog boy!" I was so close to getting next week's tournament named the "Dr. Pauly Invitational!"
9:26pm... I was all in preflop with the Hilton Sisters against A-K. Again, an ace flopped, but I caught running hearts to fill in a four flush. River justice. Karmic payback? I moved into second place out of 18.
9:34pm... In the hand of the tournament and possibly the bad beat of the day, Iggy and Sir Waffle went heads up when they both had Top 10 stacks. With 10-10, Iggy flopped a set against Sir Waffle's
9:39pm... Wil's 8-8 lost to Toby039's J-10. Skecthy call from Toby. When he asked Wil if he wona bounty, Wil joked, "Yeah you win a book on How not to call all ins with J-10o."
9:40pm... Wil called my cellphone to apolgize about the A-8 vs my J-J. He tells me to go on and win it all.
9:43pm... 2 out of 10th as we reach the final table bubble.
9:45pm... I made the final table with 19K! Here's who else made it:
Seat 1: RAH2 (Oslo)10:00pm... I got cold decked at the final table. Whenever I wanted to make amove, someone beat me to it and moved all in in front of me.
Seat 2: maureen73 (Minneapolis)
Seat 3: torgeauxSA (Fairfax)
Seat 4: PhoebusX (Princeton)
Seat 5: DrPauly (New York)
Seat 6: heffmike (Fairfax)
Seat 7: Iggy (cincinnati) = CHIPLEADER
Seat 8: Alan (Santa Barbara)
Seat 9: Toby039 (Nepean)
10:01pm... I found A-A in the big blind and doubled up against 5-5. I was 2/8 with 40K.
10:15pm... At the break I ws 2/7. Iggy was the chipleader. Alan was 3rd.
10:23pm... I tried to make a steal with Q-2. Iggy moved over the top of me from the BB. I folded. I almost called. He had Q-4. I lost a huge chunk of my stack.
10:24pm... I moved all in with 3-3 against 6-6 ad had just 124 in chips. I 4x up on the next hand and was out in 6th place.
Iggy donked off most of his chips to Alan who came from behind to win Wil's tourney. Congrats to Alan and thanks again to Wil!

Congrats to Alan from Geek and Proud!!
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